Jérôme’s love affair with classical music started at the tender age of 13. As a youngster, he would scour the FM dial for hours, his finger on the record button. When he tuned into a piano performance by Cesar Franck, he fell in love. It would become the first classical recording he played to death. Today, Jérôme’s collection boasts about 3000 classical lps, most of which he purchased in his teenage years. When cds became widespread in the 90s, it was a golden time to score classical gems at a bargain. «Trading and buying at flea markets has always been a family tradition so I got a knack for it from an early age. I tracked down a significant part of my collection at the Place Du Jeu De Balle in Brussels, haggling them down to about 50 Belgian Franc per disc.” Jérôme finds most classical music sleeves rather dull, a common issue he feels the conservative scene is to blame for. «In stark contrast with pop records, little - if any - attention is paid to the object. It’s a missed opportunity, as the sleeve could be the perfect canvas to convey the immense power of classical music. Let alone that it would attract new listeners.” So Jérôme made it his personal mission to freshen up the image of classical music. As a performance artist, he challenges passersby to experience classical music in a more exciting way. By playing a dj set on the Brussels De Brouckère square during Car Free Sunday 2015, for example. No doubt about it: Mozart Is Not Dead!
Interview in Brusseleir Digger
Brusseleir Digger : Listen ! Festival 2018 - 03/2018